Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday

Hola chicos y chicas!
Hello boys and girls!

Today we are going to test out RAZ from home! 
 I just want to make sure that everyone can get logged in no problem!

Free Book School Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

The Classroom teacher: reneecowart
Click on their name/shape
All students password is the bunny icon

Today I would love to give you all the link to Mrs. Klemp's blog at to see what she's been up to! You can also find the link to her blog on the St. Edward's School homepage under 'Class Websites'. 🎢🎹

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will hear from you all again on Monday when we start out online learning!

Mrs. Lowe


  1. Dominic's works. He just HAD to do Calendar today - couldn't stop talking about it yesterday! So we printed off a copy :-)

  2. Karly’s worked! Thanks have a good weekend!

  3. I will check this out later today and let you know if it doesn’t work. Kinleys having a rough day, she had an absessed tooth and had to have 2 more pulled this morning.

    1. Poor thing! We'll include Kinley in our prayers tonight!

  4. Lydia’s works πŸ‘πŸ» Thank you ~ have a great weekend & “see ya” Monday 😊
    Sorry to hear about Kinley’s teeth... ouch! Lydia says hi & she hopes she feels better. 😊

  5. Carter’s works. Prayer for Kinley, and a speedy recovery!!

  6. Sutton's worked and got in. She told me, "Mom, I got this," as she shooed me away!! :)
