Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 4 Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Joke of the day:  Why did the turkey join the band?
Answer in the comment section below to check in for the day!
(Answer will be posted at 7pm on this post at the bottom under my name)


April Day 20(I didn't realize I mixed up 19 and 20 until too late, save 19 for Friday) 
Word Family: wed, red, bed

Nature Walk:  You can do this ANYTIME.  Who knows it may be raining today, but find a nice day this week and take a nature walk!  

Math Review 4-17:  Adding

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)

Let's pray with Karly!

Have a great day!
Mrs. Lowe
Why did the turkey join the band?
Because he had the drumsticks! 
Good guessing, some of you got this one! You are all on a roll!
Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Week 4 Wednesday

What a Wonderful World Wednesday!

Joke of the day:  Name a bow that can't be tied!
Answer in the comment section below to check in for the day!
( Answer will be posted at 7pm on this post at the bottom under my name!)

(I accidentally put April Day 19 right after 18 in the same day... just save 19 for Friday!)

April Day 18:  Word Families: kit, hit, sit

Math Review 5-10:  Subtraction, equal/ unequal
Numbers 11-30

Writing: My Favorite toy!  Have them draw a picture of their favorite toy (lots of detail, no floating toys...unless they are pool toys). Capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of each sentence!

Science:  Scholastic Weekly reader!  Rainbow Plants!

Let's pray with Kinley!

Love and miss you all!
Mrs. Lowe
Name a bow that can't be tied?
A Rainbow!  

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 4 Tuesday

A Terrific Tuesday to you all!

Joke of the Day:  What did the teacher do at the beach?
Answer in the comment section below to check in for today!
(Answer will be posted at 7pm on this post, under my name)


I know my phone number: Hopefully they are getting the hang of this! If you would like me to keep sending this form next month, please let me know!  

April Day 17:  No surprises here!

Fix It! Sentences:  Circle the mistakes in the bolded sentence.  Rewrite the sentence correctly and then draw a picture to match to sentence.  

Math Review 4-15:  Adding. Dot to dot. On the back adding and subtracting!

Science:  Scholastic weekly reader! Hello Ladybug

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)

Let's pray with Dominic today!

Have a wonderful day!
Love ya!
Mrs. Lowe
What did the teacher do at the beach?
She TESTED the water!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 4 Monday

And we have made it to Week 4!

Hope you had a good weekend, full of family fun!

Please write your students name in the comment section below to check in for the day!


Calendar Journal:  We have been in school for 138 days!  

April Day 16:  Word Families:  jog, fog, hog

Math Unit 5 Test:  For this you can give it to them like a test, meaning you can read the directions and let them do the work alone... or you can treat this like a double worksheet day and walk them through it!  If there are any areas on this test that your child is struggling with PLEASE send me an email and I will get some more resources to you to help them get more confident with it!

This is a pretty straight forward test.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Read and Color:  This is a great way to see if they can follow directions!

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)


I know my phone number: Hopefully they are getting the hang of this! If you would like me to keep sending this form next month, please let me know!  

April Day 17:  No surprises here!

Fix It! Sentences:  Circle the mistakes in the bolded sentence.  Rewrite the sentence correctly and then draw a picture to match to sentence.  

Math Review 4-15:  Adding. Dot to dot. On the back adding and subtracting!

Science:  Scholastic weekly reader! Hello Ladybug

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)

(I accidentally put April Day 19 right after 18 in the same day... just save 19 for Friday!)

April Day 18:  Word Families: kit, hit, sit

Math Review 5-10:  Subtraction, equal/ unequal
Numbers 11-30

Writing: My Favorite toy!  Have them draw a picture of their favorite toy (lots of detail, no floating toys...unless they are pool toys). Capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of each sentence!

Science:  Scholastic Weekly reader!  Rainbow Plants!


April Day 20(I didn't realize I mixed up 19 and 20 until too late, save 19 for Friday) 
Word Family: wed, red, bed

Nature Walk:  You can do this ANYTIME.  Who knows it may be raining today, but find a nice day this week and take a nature walk!  

Math Review 4-17:  Adding

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)


April Day 19: Sight Words: down

Paper Plate Sun and Rainbow Craft - Easy Peasy and Fun

1. You can paint the sun yellow with your the watercolors.
2. Let it dry
3. turn is over and glue the yellow and orange triangles to the curved part of the plate
4. Also on the back glue the rainbow streamers along the straight edge of the plate
 5. Turn the plate over and with a black marker or crayon or colored pencil draw the eyes and mouth

Let me know if you have any questions about this weeks work!

Let's pray with Lydia today! 

Love you,
Mrs. Lowe

Friday, April 24, 2020

Week 3 Friday

Happy Friday All!
Joke of the day: What falls but never gets hurt?
Answer in the comment section below to check in for today!
I will post the answer at 7pm tonight at the bottom of this blog under my name!


April Day 15:  Word Families:  Map, cap, tap

Art: I have a Ziploc bag with all the things you will need to build a rocket!  We did this last year during Kindergarten Round Up and they have been begging me to do it again!  Well, now's your chance!  I have enough supplies in the bag for you to make 2 rockets!!
1. Color all your rockets
2. Cut them out
3. Cut your Pipette on the line in between the 2 and the 3
4. Tape your pipette to the back of one of your rockets with the open end facing the bottom of your rocket
5. Then tape the second rocket to the pipette on each side
6. Insert straw into your pipette
7. Aim
8. BLAST OFF (blow in your straw)
* Remember these are paper straws and will fall apart with a lot of spit...

Rocket Clipart For Kids

Friday Funday:  Find a creative way to use a flashlight! (Dominic, you inspired this idea!)

We will end our week praying with Bridget!

Love you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Lowe
What falls but never gets hurt?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Week 3 Thursday

Thursday Blessings!

Joke of the day:  What do you call a flower that can't tell the truth?
Answer in the comment section below to check in!
I will post the answer at 7pm tonight at the bottom of the blog under my name!


April Day 14:  Sight Word: not  Word Families:  win, pin, fin

Math 5-23:  Longer/Shorter   Taller/Shorter

Writing:  Crack the Code!  Once they finish the code have them glue the code in the large rectangle at the top of the attached page!  Then write about the topic they uncovered!  Finally color a picture that correlates with their writing in the circle twords the bottom of the page!

Science:  Scholastic Weekly Reader all about Real Rainbowfish!

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)

Today we will pray with Sutton!

Have a great day!
Mrs. Lowe
What do you call a flower that can't tell the truth?
A Dandelion

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Week 3 Wednesday

Hello All!

Joke of the day:  Why did the duck fall down on the sidewalk?
Answer in the comment section below to check in!
I will post the answer at 7pm tonight and the bottom of this post under my name!


April Day 13:  Sight Word:  does  Word Families:  Top, Mop, Hop

Math 5-20:  Greater Than/ Less Than/ Equal to.  *Two different directions on the front!

Writing: My Favorite Place.  Have them pick their favorite place then draw it! Lots of detail!
Then tell me all about it under your picture on the dotted lines!  Remind them to use a capital letter at the beginning of every sentence, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of every sentence!

Social Studies:  Check out the Scholastic Weekly Reader from February!  I think we could all use a little more love right now!

Today we will pray with Ashlynn!

Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Lowe
Why did the duck fall down on the sidewalk?
Because he tripped on the quack!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 3 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!

JOKE of the day:  What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?
Post your answer in the comments section below to check in today!
(I will post the answer at 7pm each night at the bottom of the post, under my name!)


I know my phone number: Again only if they need this still or if your are teaching them another number!

April Day 12:  Sight Word: very

Math Review 3-18:  Left of the line + right of the line. Practice 17, 18. Adding and Subtracting!

Fix It! Sentences:  They have done a number of these before, so they should know how to do them!  But in case they try to play you!  They need to circle all the mistakes in the bolded sentence.  Then rewrite the sentence correcting the mistakes. 
 Finally they need to draw a picture that correlates to the sentence!

Social Studies: Watch a quick video on the state flag! 

 Color the Wisconsin flag! Here is a picture of it to help them!

Flag of Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)

We will finish today by praying with Kinley!

Today is our first show and tell zoom meeting!  Hope to see you all there!
Here is the invitation again!

Pamela Lowe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Show and Tell
Time: Apr 21, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Tue, until Jun 2, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
        Apr 21, 2020 10:00 AM
        Apr 28, 2020 10:00 AM
        May 5, 2020 10:00 AM
        May 12, 2020 10:00 AM
        May 19, 2020 10:00 AM
        May 26, 2020 10:00 AM
        Jun 2, 2020 10:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 5704 8319
Password: 0kSeSb

Love and Miss you all!
Mrs. Lowe
What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?
A Milk Dud

Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 3 Monday

Hello Kindergarten!

Hope you had a fantastic weekend!  

Please sign your child's name in the comment sections below to check them in for the day!


Calendar Journal:  Days of School 136

April Day 11:  Sight Word:  were

Math 5-19:  Fill in circles for numbers from 11-20 then finish the equations at the bottom. Subtraction on the back!

Phonics:  100 Rhyming Words!  This packet is for the whole week do about 5 boxes a day!  One word on each line!  
Here is a list in order of what the word goes with each picture(some of them are a stretch..)
Cat, fan, map, mad
Wag, cab, ham, cap
Hem, bed, hen, net
Sit, pin, lid, pig
Dip, cob, log, wet
Pop, cub, cut, gum

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)


I know my phone number: Again only if they need this still or if your are teaching them another number!

April Day 12:  Sight Word: very

Math Review 3-18:  Left of the line + right of the line. Practice 17, 18. Adding and Subtracting!

Fix It! Sentences:  They have done a number of these before, so they should know how to do them!  But in case they try to play you!  They need to circle all the mistakes in the bolded sentence.  Then rewrite the sentence correction the mistakes. 
 Finally they need to draw a picture that correlates to the sentence!

Social Studies: Watch a quick video on the state flag! 

 Color the Wisconsin flag! Here is a picture of it to help them!

Flag of Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)


April Day 13:  Sight Word:  does  Word Families:  Top, Mop, Hop

Math 5-20:  Greater Than/ Less Than/ Equal to.  *Two different directions on the front!

Writing: My Favorite Place.  Have them pick their favorite place then draw it! Lots of detail!
Then tell me all about it below your picture on the dotted lines!  Remind them to use a capital letter at the beginning of every sentence, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of every sentence!

Social Studies:  Check out the Scholastic Weekly Reader from February!  I think we could all use a little more love right now!


April Day 14:  Sight Word: not  Word Families:  win, pin, fin

Math 5-23:  Longer/Shorter   Taller/Shorter

Writing:  Crack the Code!  Once they finish the code have them glue the code in the large rectangle at the top of the attached page!  Then write about the topic they uncovered!  Finally color a picture that correlates with their writing in the circle twords the bottom of the page!

Science:  Scholastic Weekly Reader all about Real Rainbowfish!

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH pick 2)


April Day 15:  Word Families:  Map, cap, tap

Art: I have a Ziploc bag with all the things you will need to build a rocket!  We did this last year during Kindergarten Round Up and they have been begging me to do it again!  Well, now's your chance!  I have enough supplies in the bag for you to make 2 rockets!!
1. Color all your rockets
2. Cut them out
3. Cut your Pipette on the line in between the 2 and the 3
4. Tape your pipette to the back of one of your rockets with the open end facing the bottom of your rocket
5. Then tape the second rocket to the pipette on each side
6. Insert straw into your pipette
7. Aim
8. BLAST OFF (blow in your straw)
* Remember these are paper straws and will fall apart with a lot of spit...

Rocket Clipart For Kids

Friday Funday:  Find a creative way to use a flashlight! (Dominic, you inspired this idea!)

Let's end today by joining Dominic in prayer!

Please let me know if you have any questions about this weeks work!  

As always, may the Lord bless you and your family!

Mrs. Lowe

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 2 Friday

Hello Little Disciples!

Question of the day:  What is your favorite part of mass? Why?
Answer in the comment section below to check in!


April Day 10:  Sight word: play  Phonics:  lid

Religion:  Color the stained glass cross

Art: Today we will be making bugs!  There is a Ziploc bag with multi colored shapes! Be creative!
Here is a picture of my inspiration!
Invitation To Create: Build A Bug. Open ended creative insect paper craft for kids. Great for color recognition & fine motor development. Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

Friday Funday Challenge:  Find a game you have in your house that you have either never played or haven't played in a long time and play it!

Today we get to pray with Lydia!

Have a truly blessed weekend!
Talk to you again on Monday!

Mrs. Lowe

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Week 2 Thursday

Hello Peeps!

Your Question of the day:  Fill in the blank...I can't wait until I am _____ years old!  Why?
Answer in the comment section below to check in!


April Day 9:  Sight Word: said

Math 5-18:  A whole lot of SUBTRACTION!  I can hear their collective groan from my house! πŸ˜‚

Social Studies: Watch this short video on American Symbols

Take the test after you finished to test your smarts!
Create your own flag!  Pick your design, colors etc.  Then tell me why you picked what you picked!

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment!(M,T,TH Pick 2)

Also check out Ms. LeClair's blog too, she has some great ideas of how to keep active!

Today we are going to end by praying with Bridget!

Have a happy and blessed day!
Mrs. Lowe

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week 2 Wednesday

Hello you Cutie Patooties!

Question of the day:  What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?
Answer in the comment section below to check in!


April Day 8:  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Math 5-18:  Teen Numbers, On the back: White Triangles plus purple triangles and white triangles plus blue triangles!

Crack the Code:  This is VERY fun!  Write the First or beginning sound of each little photo in the box above it.  So the first one goes like this:

                              W                    r            i               t            e                                 
Watermelon        ring        igloo    turtle    elephant 

So the first code is : Write about your Grandma

Once they get all the letters in and read the code, then have them glue that sheet in the top box of the attached writing page!  Then have them share a few fun things about their Grandma.  Remind them to use capital letters, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of each sentence.  Then have them draw a picture of Grandma in the circle at the bottom of the page!

Let's pray with Sutton today!πŸ’“πŸ™ŒπŸ™
Love and miss you!
Mrs. Lowe

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Week 2 Tuesday

Hallelujah Week Two Begins!

I pray you all had a wonderful Easter weekend full of love and laughter! 
 Lord knows we need as much of that as possible these days!

Comment with your child's name below to check them in for the day!

Save Week 2 Monday's work for May 4th!


I know my phone number! Repetition is key with this, if you feel your child has this memorized then they no longer need to do this page.  Or they can learn the other parent(s) number!  

April Day 7:  No surprises here!

Math Review 3-12:  Equal to/ Not Equal to. Adding and Subtracting

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment! (M,T,TH Pick 2)

Writing:  If I had a Super Power!  Have them brainstorm what a super power is and which one they would like to have.  Then have them draw a picture of them as a super hero using their super power!  After they finish drawing they should write about their super power.  Remind them to start each sentence with a capital letter, spaces between words and end each sentence with punctuation!
I added an extra lined sheet for them to use is they run out of room on the first sheet.


April Day 8:  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Math 5-18:  Teen Numbers, On the back: White Triangles plus purple triangles and white triangles plus blue triangles!

Crack the Code:  This is VERY fun!  Write the First/beginning sound of each little photo in the box above it.  So the first one goes like this:

                              W                    r            i               t            e                                 
Watermelon        ring        igloo    turtle    elephant 

So the first code is : Write about your Grandma

Once they get all the letters in and read the code, then have them glue that sheet in the top box of the attached writing page!  Then have them share a few fun things about their Grandma.  Remind them to use capital letters, spaces between words and punctuation at the end of each sentence.  Then have them draw a picture of Grandma in the circle at the bottom of the page!


April Day 9:  Sight Word: said

Math 5-18:  A whole lot of SUBTRACTION!  I can hear their collective groan from my house! πŸ˜‚

Social Studies: Watch this short video on American Symbols
Take the test after you finished watching to test your smarts!
Create your own flag!  Pick your design, colors etc.  Then tell me why you picked what you picked!

Music:  Check out Mrs. Klemp's Blog and comment! (M,T,TH Pick 2)


April Day 10:  Sight word: play  Phonics:  lid

Religion:  Color the stained glass cross

Art: Today we will be making bugs!  There is a Ziploc bag with multi colored shapes! Be creative!
Here is a picture of my inspiration!
Invitation To Create: Build A Bug. Open ended creative insect paper craft for kids. Great for color recognition & fine motor development. Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

Friday Funday Challenge:  Find a game you have in your house that you have either never played or haven't played in a long time and play it!  

I miss your smiling faces!
If you have any questions about the work this week please let me know!

To end our blog post today lets all pray with Ashlynn!

Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Lowe

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Check out these "Eggceptional" Easter Eggs!

 This is Bridget's Beautiful Egg!

          This is Axel's Amazing Egg!     

Charlie's Egg                    

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Week 1 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Guys and Gals!

Question of the day:  If you found a pot of gold, would you share it?
Answer in the comment section below to check in for the day!

An Illustration Of A Pot Of Gold Coins At The End Of A Rainbow ...


Days of the week: Color, cut and glue!

April Day 3: Sight word is SOME

Science: 3 Coloring pages!  Each pages has an explanation of either Solids, Liquids or Gases and then they are to color ONLY the pictures that correlates with the Matter at the top of the page!

If they are looking for more to do today, you could practice sight words, read, play a game or go on
RAZ!  All of your kids should know how to log in, but just to cover all bases....
Teacher: reneecowart
Click on their name
All students password: bunny

Reminder:  No school Thursday, Friday and Monday!  Please save the work I had dedicated for those three days for the first week of May!  

If you have finished your art project for this week please send it to me so I can post them on the blog!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter Break! Don't forget to pray and work on your sign of the cross!

Love ya,
Mrs. Lowe

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 1 Tuesday

Hello Ladies and Dudes!
Hope your first day of learning from home went well! 

Question of the day:  Would you like to live in a tree house? 
Answer in the comment section below to check in for the day!


I know my phone number worksheet!  We mastered their addresses, but their phone numbers still elude them!  

April Day 2- No surprises here!

Math 5-16:  Greater than/Less than. Follow the directions at the top. #1 is an example of what they are looking for!

Science: Click the link below to watch a video on Solids, Liquids and Gases!
Solids, Liquids and Gases 
Username: lnbulldogs
Password: bulldogs

Matter ~ Solids, Liquids, & Gases Sorting Activity | TpT

Take the quiz at the end to see how much you learned! Please have them watch this, as there will be more work coming up this week that has to do with solids, liquids and gases.

Gym with Ms. LeClair

Hello kids, Hope you all are doing well. 
Here is the gym activities for the week. Let's get moving and shaking for about 10 minutes a day. 

-- Let's start by putting on your favorite music and move and dance. Get our heart rate up and dance for 2-3 songs. Maybe by the end of the week you can make up your own dance. 

-- After you get done moving with the dance please stretch and do your 8 push-ups and 16 crunches.  

If you have time put some pictures on your classroom blog of your cool dance moves. 

Have fun, and stay active. Miss LeClair

Hope you had a great day! Miss you like crazy!
Mrs. Lowe

Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 1 Monday

All Aboard the Crazy Train!
 Here we go with long distance learning... for KINDERGARTEN! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³πŸ™

Last Thursday you picked up your child's paper bag of goodies! I will be going through what is all in your bags and folder and what I expect during this online adventure! Some of the things in there we won't get to right away.  The links and the cubes will be for after we finish Unit 5 and move on to Measurement in Math.  Some of you have other games or things in there that you can play anytime, I know there will be a number of Kiddos that won't want to wait that long! 

With that being said, the Ziploc bags with art supplies in them are all planned out for one each week every Friday!  However, you will have the directions for each art project the Monday before, so you could do them any time during the week.
There is also a Ziploc bag with 5 games and a die in it!  You can play these anytime! You could also use the Unifix cubes as markers or pawns, so you can play them over again!

ATTENTION:  According to our school calendar we have no school this Thursday, Friday and next Monday!  And of course I already planned school and lessons for those days! So if you could take Week 1 Thursday, Week 1 Friday and Week 2 Monday and put them behind Week 4, I will save those for after April!  I will however have you do the Art Lesson, as it is an Easter Egg!  You can choose which day this week you would like to do it on!  I have all the instructions below.

Alright, first and foremost I don't plan on having your kids sitting in front of a computer or iPad for hours a day... so with that being said, lets go through your folder!

I have 4 paper clipped packets of work sorted by weeks.  You should have 4 weeks worth of instruction. Each week is then broken up by day.  There are roughly 3-5 items/day.  
At the end of April there will be a drop off/pick up time and day scheduled for you to turn in your child's finished work and pick up the next set (still praying we will be back sometime in May, but not holding my breath.) 
I will give an overview of the week each Monday, but I will have other things posted each day!  Your child must check the blog everyday and COMMENT for me to mark your child present each day.  Each Monday I just want you to sign your kids name in the comments, Tuesday-Friday I will have a Question of the day that they will need to answer!

Monday: Will always start with a Calendar sheet, I did this sheet with them the last time we were in school, so they should know how to fill it out! The last day we were in school it was day 125, so their first calendar sheet would say it is day 126.  Tallying may be difficult as we did not spend a lot of time with that before we left.

April Day 1 Paper is what I called "Morning Work,"  it has a little phonics and math all together!  This one is pretty straight forward!

Math Review 4-3:  Adding on to 10, subtractions, writing numbers 1-20.  #3 is always one that trips them up.  It says to draw a picture that shows 10 ones and 2 ones.  So....

πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“                                                                       πŸ’“πŸ’“
Ten shapes (any)together                                                          Then 2 shapes separate 

Religion packet:  Color a page each day as we go through Lent!  Pray the Our Father and a Hail Mary each day, and work on your sign of the cross!


I know my phone number worksheet!  We mastered their addresses, but their phone numbers still elude them!  

April Day 2- No surprises here!

Math 5-16:  Greater than/Less than. Follow the directions at the top. #1 is an example of what they are looking for!

Science: Click the link below to watch a video on Solids, Liquids and Gases!

Matter ~ Solids, Liquids, & Gases Sorting Activity | TpT

Take the quiz at the end to see how much you learned! Please have them watch this, as there will be more work coming up this week that has to do with solids, liquids and gases. 


Days of the week: Color, cut and glue!

April Day 3: Sight word is SOME

Science: 3 Coloring pages!  Each page has an explanation of either Solids, Liquids or Gases and then they are to color ONLY the pictures that correlates with the Matter at the top of the page!

Thursday(Save for May 9th)

I know my phone number again!

 April Day 4: Sight word is LIKE. Phonics: HOT

Math Review 3-6:  Write 13 and 14. Adding and Subtracting. (It is totally ok if they want or need to use something as counters)

Science: Matching Matter! Color the little picture sheet as well as the words on the big sheet! Then cut, sort and glue in the appropriate place!

Friday(Save for May 10th)

April Day 5: Sight word: They             Phonics:Gum

Religion: I added another coloring page! I know your are not finished with your packet and that is ok! I just threw this in there for fun!
Today is STILL Friday Funday!  I challenge you to build or create something( fort, Lego building, play dough, driveway chalk drawing, bake cookies etc.) and send me a picture!  

Do this Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday!
ART: That's right, we are still doing ART!
Today we are going to make an Easter egg!  Find the Ziploc bag with a white piece of paper and a white crayon!
1. Using your white crayon color shapes, lines, sqwigglies all over your egg! 
2. Using the water colors paint your egg!
3. Let it dry
4. Cut it out
5. Hang it in a window facing the road..... maybe someone will see it!

If this is too much daily work or not enough, please let me know! I am trying to keep them busy, but not make a bunch of work for you parents either.  Please do what you can and know that I understand if it all doesn't get done! 

PLEASE let me know if you have any questions, obviously I am around.... and I would love to help!

God Bless you and your families!
Mrs. Lowe

Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday

Hola chicos y chicas!
Hello boys and girls!

Today we are going to test out RAZ from home! 
 I just want to make sure that everyone can get logged in no problem!

Free Book School Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

The Classroom teacher: reneecowart
Click on their name/shape
All students password is the bunny icon

Today I would love to give you all the link to Mrs. Klemp's blog at to see what she's been up to! You can also find the link to her blog on the St. Edward's School homepage under 'Class Websites'. 🎢🎹

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will hear from you all again on Monday when we start out online learning!

Mrs. Lowe

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday Blessings

 Hello Lads and Lassies! 

Well today is your pick up day! 
 I will be at school from 10-11 as you come to pick up your bag of goodies that I have prepared for you!   If you come with your parents to pick up, it will be a drive through type of thing, so that no one has to get out of the car and no one goes into the school!  I will be there helping or waving!  
I would love you see your smiling faces as you pass by to pick up your work! 
 I miss you all so much!

My question for you today is... 
What do you miss the most about school?
My answer is: YOU

Today I would like you to watch a cute video about Peep and his friends trying to grow a Sunflower!

Where to find sunflower fields this summer in Vermont

In the comments tell me what you thought of the video and what your favorite flower is!

My answer is that I think Quack is HILARIOUS! And I love Tulips! 

Hope you are all safe, happy and healthy!
Mrs. Lowe

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Welcome to Wednesday!

Hello Ladies and Gents!

Today I have an experiment for you to try! Bridget did this with her Mom, and she sent it to me!  I think with all that is going on, this is a great experiment to help explain the importance of washing your hands!

Onlinelabels Clip Art Wash - Wash Your Hands Clipart - Png ...
Hope you have fun with this experiment!  

If you and your child would like to have a video chat with me sometime this week, I would love to see them and chat with them!  I have Skype, Messenger, or FaceTime!
  Let me know if that is something you are interested in!

May God Bless You All!
Mrs. Lowe