Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week 6 Tuesday

Hello Everybody!
Hope you all are staying safe, happy and healthy!

Question of the day:  If your toys were like the toys in Toy Story and could talk and play when you weren't around, what do you think they would do?
Answer in the comment section below to check in for today!


May Day 4:  
Long Vowel Pictures:  Slide, cube, mute, lemon, tube, mule

I know my phone number!.... Only if they need it!

Religion:  Read Cheerful Chores and discuss the questions on the back with a parent or an older sibling.  

If a login is needed:
Username: lnbulldogs
Passowrd: bulldogs

Then read/color/trace the My Measurement and Data Book

Love and miss you all!
Let's pray with Karly!

Mrs. Lowe


  1. Bridget said they would go in her backpack 🎒 and go everywhere she does

  2. Play hide n seek and dance. Who knows - maybe my army guys and stuffed animals are moving right now! Dominic

  3. Sutton said her toys would go outside and ride their bikes and have an adventure.

  4. Ashlynn thinks they would make a big mess in her room.

  5. Karly thinks they would play with Curly my dog. ������

  6. Lydia said they would have an ADVENTURE (very loudly)!! Lol! 🤠🐴😂

  7. They would go on adventures! Charlie

  8. Kinley says they would have lots of adventures in her room.

  9. Carter said they would play all of his Nintendo games!

  10. Axel said they would run the battery down on his Nintendo switch.
