Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1st-11th

~Little Farmer field trip is tomorrow October 2nd.  Here are some things to remember.
 - Wear warm clothes- it should only be 55 degrees tomorrow!  Sweatshirts, long johns or leggings under their jeans, whatever it takes to keep them warm!

 - There is a chance of rain, thank God this percentage gets smaller by the hour, but please send a raincoat or poncho or even a clean garbage bag to keep them dry. 

 -NO UMBRELLAS ("You'll poke your eye out")

 - Also RAIN BOOTS or shoes you don't mind them getting dirty... it will be muddy and wet! 

 - They need a BAG LUNCH, one that they can dispose of afterwards.  So please don't send their lunch in their fun lunch bag or tupperwear containers etc.   NO SODA. 

 -Send along an old pillowcase for them to carry their pumpkin in!

Charlie celebrated her 6th birthday on September 23rd!

~Extra pair of clothes!  Please make sure your child has an extra pair of church appropriate clothes in their locker!  This helps for milk spills, accidents, going down the slide when it is wet, playing in the sink in the bathroom, not knowing how to drink out of a bubbler, and coming to school on a church day in clothes that are not in the guidelines for church!  THANK YOU!  

~Gym Shoes... If your child has tie shoes as their gym shoes, they should be able to tie them all by themselves.  Most of the time they will wear their shoes they already have on.  I normally only have them change if their shoes are dirty or wet.  Their everyday shoes should also be shoes they can get on and off as well as tie all by themselves!  

~Friday is Mass- they need to dress up for church.  No shorts, tshirts, no jeans and no words on their clothing.  Boys need a collared shirt.  If you do not want/ or your child does not want to wear their dressy church clothes all day, please send a change of clothes. They will change right after mass.  

Beautiful sunset from September 30th!

Reading: We will be starting to meet in small reading groups this week.  We will be starting with learning some of the more frequent sight words that they will need to know! Some of these words include: the, a, is, in, it, was, as, of, I etc.  When you are reading with your child, pointing out these sight words will help!  Also a big help is asking questions after a story...
Who was this story about?
Where did this story take place?
What was the problem?
How did he/she solve this problem?
This will really help with their reading comprehension.

We made Thank You cards for Veteran's participating in the Honor Flight!  They turned out GREAT!

Fundations / Spelling:We are working on lower case letters and their sounds! We have started with b, f, t, n, m, i, u, c, o, a, g, d, s, r, and p.  We will be adding j, l, h, k, v, w in the next couple weeks. To help with this find ways to point out or search for letters, whether it be while driving or on a cereal box!  

Writing:We are working on labeling our drawings and sounding out each word!  What is a sentence and the punctuation that goes along with it. 

Math: We are working on following directions and shapes!  We have talked about circles, rectangles, and squares.  We have learned how to write numbers 1-5 and will be working our way up to 10! We took our first math test and all did AWESOME!  

Religion: We will continue learning about mass and how that all works.  We are learning about God and Jesus.  We finished our unit on Creation and Adam and Eve!  We will be talking about Mary and learning about the rosary and the prayers that we say during it!  

Social Studies/Science:  We finished up our unit on the 5 senses and are moving on to our Seasons/Autumn Unit!  

As always, my door is always open, if you have any questions
or concerns please don't hesitate to ask!  

Calendar/Important Dates:
2- Field Trip to Little Farmer- see top section for information!
4- 8:15am Mass 2:15pm Pet Blessing
11- 8:15am Mass
18- 8:15am Mass
23- 8:15am Mass(Wednesday) K-5 got to Xavier to see a play
31- Halloween- No costumes(wear black and orange)

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