Friday, February 1, 2019

February 4th- February 15th

Due to our snow/cold days during Catholic Schools Week we will be celebrating our dress up days as follows!
Dress up days:
Monday: Jesus is a ROCKSTAR! Dress as a rockstar!
Wednesday: Jesus is calling us to READ! Dress as a Disney character!


~Children may bring in chap-stick for their chapped/dry lips.  They will keep it in their lockers and can apply as necessary throughout the day!

~ PLEASE send in your child's snow pants, boots, hat and mittens every day! We have had a lot of children forgetting their winter clothes... please double check every morning!  It is freezing out there!    

~Friday Mass- they need to dress up for church.  No t-shirts, no jeans and no words on their clothing.  Boys need a collared shirt.  If you do not want/ or your child does not want to wear their dressy church clothes all day, please send a change of clothes. They will change right after mass. 

Reading: We are working in small groups on short easy to follow stories.  And matching the pictures with the words.  We will be continuing this, but will now be sending this home as well!  They will be reading a guided reading book here at school and then will bring it home in their black reading bag.  There will be a form in the bag as well, please initial each time you read and give me feedback on how they did- was is easy, just right, or too hard! 
Monday: They will be bringing their black bag and book home.  Please have them read this book to you! (MUST RETURN THE NEXT DAY).

Tuesday: They will bring home the same book(reread) and an extension worksheet that they will need to do and return the next day!

Sight words:  Each night have them practice each word.  They should be able to say the word within 2-3 seconds.  I will be testing every Friday, so they need to come back to school everyday!  I will give them a new word for each word they get right during the test the previous Friday!  By the end of the school year they should be able to identify anywhere from 80-100 words by sight alone.

It is important that you know that the books they bring home should be EASY or JUST RIGHT... they read the book with me a number of times before bringing them home, so they know the words and they SHOULD use the pictures to help them. 
When reading at home, here are some things to help your child grow in their reading skills. Ask questions after a story...
Who was this story about? or Who is the main character?
Where did this story take place? or What was the setting?
What was the problem?
How did he/she solve this problem? or What was the solutions?
This will really help with their reading comprehension.

Fundations / Spelling:  We will be working on sentence structure and punctuation.  We will be learning how to identify rhyming words and will be diving into capital letters! Also working on identifying beginning, middle and ending sounds of words!

Writing: We are continuing to work on labeling our drawings!  Sounding out each word!  And we will be focusing on writing sentences and making sure that we use the lessons learned in Fundations and have the first letter in each sentence is a capital letter and that we finish with the appropriate punctuation.

Math: Unit 4 (partners, problem drawings, and tens).  Starting with math stories and sorting.  Then we will be focusing on partners of 10!  We are also introducing greater than/less than and math mountains!  

Religion: We will be learning about Jonah and the whale, Jesus as a boy in the temple and St. Valentine!  

Social Studies/Science: This week we will be learning about Ocean Animals and will also talk about Ground Hogs Day!

As always, my door is always open, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask!  

Calendar/Important Dates:
4th-Dress as a Rockstar
6th-Dress as your favorite Disney Character7th-Get Active! 3pm-4pm 
8th-8:15am mass
14th-Valentine's Day!Luv 2 Play make up field trip! Get Active! 3pm-4pm
15th-8:15am mass
19th-Funset Makeup Night! 
20th-8:15am mass
21st-Get Active! 3pm-4pm! Parent-Teacher Conferences!
28th-Get Active! 3pm-4pm

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