Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3rd-14th

December 3-14th


~ PLEASE send in your child's snowpants, boots, hat and mittens every day!   

~Friday Mass- they need to dress up for church.  No tshirts, no jeans and no words on their clothing.  Boys need a collared shirt.  If you do not want/ or your child does not want to wear their dressy church clothes all day, please send a change of clothes. They will change right after mass. 

Reading: We are working in small groups on short easy to follow stories.  And matching the pictures with the words.  

When reading at home it here are some things to help your child grow in their reading skillsAsk questions after a story...
Who was this story about? or Who is the main character?
Where did this story take place? or What was the setting?
What was the problem?
How did he/she solve this problem? or What was the solutions?
This will really help with their reading comprehension.

Fundations / Spelling:We have finished introducing all the lower case letters and sounds.  We will continue to make letter sound associations as this is HUGE to reading and writing.  We will also be working on sentence structure.  Capital letters for the beginning of a sentence as well as for names and using punctuation at the end of each sentence.

Writing: We are continuing to work on labeling our drawings!  Sounding out each word!  And we will be focusing on writing sentences and making sure that we use the lessons learned in Fundations and have the first letter in each sentence is a capital letter and that we finish with the appropriate punctuation.

Math: We are working on following directions, addition and subtraction 0-5 and counting on from a 5 group! We are learning to write teen numbers.  We starting sorting as well!

Religion: We are learning all about Advent and how we can prepare our hearts for Christmas!  Please follow along with the Advent Calendar we sent home in the Wednesday folders!

Social Studies/Science: We will be learning about the difference between Needs and Wants.  This is a perfect unit to have right before Christmas!

As always, my door is always open, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask!  

Calendar/Important Dates:

7th- School Mass- 8:15am
14th- School Mass- 8:15am
19th-WEDNESDAY School Mass 8:15am
20th- Christmas Program 9:30am and 6pm
21st-January 1st-No School 

Have a Wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

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