December 16th-20th
The Christmas Program is this Thursday at 10am and 6pm, Kids need to be to school at 5:35pm for the evening performance, the doors will not be open until 5:30pm. Kindergarten needs to wear their Christmas Best or nice church clothes! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NO SWEATERS, it will be VERY HOT in the gym during the concerts and we don't need anyone passing out! Also NO HIGH HEELS OR HEELED BOOTS! This way no one will fall off the risers! Thank you!
Kindergarten Funny:
Mrs. Weiland (my mom): What do you want to be when you grow up?
Student: I want to be a police officer, so I can be the Sheriff!Mrs. Weiland: That is awesome, you are going to be a Sheriff!
Student: Yup, that way I can help my Grandma when she gets into trouble! And she gets in trouble A LOT!
Mrs. Weiland & I: 😂
From the mouths of babes!
~ It is COLD outside and that nasty white stuff has fallen from the sky ALREADY......yuck.. (not a fan of winter weather...)
Please send your child with a winter coat, hat and mittens. If there is snow they will not be allowed to play on the blue chips or in the snow without snow pants, boots, coat, hat and mittens.
~Cold and Flu season is here and I have been having a problem with students in my class bringing cough drops into the room without telling me or in their coat pockets or in their lockers. This is very dangerous, especially if I am unaware that they have one in their mouth. 1st- Our school policy is to have ALL medication (there is medicine in cough drops) in the office. 2nd- Cough Drops are a chocking hazard and there are times throughout the day that would be very dangerous for a child to have a cough drop in their mouth (recess, gym, music, snack and lunch etc.) To avoid this danger/hazard PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give your child's cough drops to Mrs. Schuh in the office and fill out the form for us to administer this medication! I really appreciate this!
~ Please make sure your child has a paint shirt in their locker. We do tend to paint a lot through out the year and art is on Friday this year. I would hate for them to get paint on their good church clothes!
~ It is COLD outside and that nasty white stuff has fallen from the sky ALREADY......yuck.. (not a fan of winter weather...)
Please send your child with a winter coat, hat and mittens. If there is snow they will not be allowed to play on the blue chips or in the snow without snow pants, boots, coat, hat and mittens.
~Cold and Flu season is here and I have been having a problem with students in my class bringing cough drops into the room without telling me or in their coat pockets or in their lockers. This is very dangerous, especially if I am unaware that they have one in their mouth. 1st- Our school policy is to have ALL medication (there is medicine in cough drops) in the office. 2nd- Cough Drops are a chocking hazard and there are times throughout the day that would be very dangerous for a child to have a cough drop in their mouth (recess, gym, music, snack and lunch etc.) To avoid this danger/hazard PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give your child's cough drops to Mrs. Schuh in the office and fill out the form for us to administer this medication! I really appreciate this!
~ Please make sure your child has a paint shirt in their locker. We do tend to paint a lot through out the year and art is on Friday this year. I would hate for them to get paint on their good church clothes!
~Extra pair of clothes! Please make sure your child has an extra pair of church appropriate clothes in their locker! This helps for milk spills, accidents, going down the slide when it is wet, playing in the sink in the bathroom, not knowing how to drink out of a bubbler, and coming to school on a church day in clothes that are not in the guidelines for church! THANK YOU!
~Gym Shoes... If your child has tie shoes as their gym shoes, they should be able to tie them all by themselves. Most of the time they will wear their shoes they already have on. I normally only have them change if their shoes are dirty or wet. Their everyday shoes should also be shoes they can get on and off as well as tie all by themselves!
~Friday is Mass- they need to dress up for church. No shorts, tshirts, no jeans and no words on their clothing. Boys need a collared shirt. If you do not want/ or your child does not want to wear their dressy church clothes all day, please send a change of clothes. They will change right after mass.
Our Polar Express!
Reading: We will be starting to meet in small reading groups this week. We will be starting with learning some of the more frequent sight words that they will need to know! Some of these words include: the, a, is, in, it, was, as, of, I etc. When you are reading with your child, pointing out these sight words will help! Also a big help is asking questions after a story...
Who was this story about?
Where did this story take place?
What was the problem?
How did he/she solve this problem?
This will really help with their reading comprehension.
Where did this story take place?
What was the problem?
How did he/she solve this problem?
This will really help with their reading comprehension.
As you may have noticed, I am now sending home a black reading bag with your child every day! This bag should contain a book, sight words and sometimes a worksheet that will need to be completed and returned by Friday of that week.
They should be studying their sight words everyday, I will be testing them on Thursday or Friday and will give them new words at that time. If they get all 5 words right, I will give them 5 new words, if they get 4 words right they get 4 new words and so on. They will keep all the words they get right and their new words and should practice them ALL, not just the new words, as this will help reinforce their knowledge and ability to recognize these words when reading!
They should also be reading their book to you each night as well. It is OK if they need the pictures to help them with the words, it is OK if they have to sound out words. These are both important strategies needed for reading.
Please please please help your child with their reading and sight words, this help from you is crucial in their learning and will help them immensely.
Center Fun!
Fundations / Spelling: We have learned A-H in Upper case letters and will continue to add more daily. At this time are be also talking about the difference between a sentence and a word, sentence structure and spaces between words. This will most usually tie in with our writing unit and I will be connecting these 2 subjects for awhile!
Writing: We are working on labeling/sentence structure/sounding out words. As well as all that is listed above in Fundations!
Math: We are finished Unit 3 last week and will be reviewing and testing this week! This way we can start fresh with Unit 4 when we get back from break!
Social Studies/Science: We will be learning about the difference between a need and a want, perfect for this time of the year!
Calendar/Important Dates:
19th: Christmas Concert 10am and 6pm (Kids need to be here are 5:35pm that night, door will not open until 5:30pm NO AFTERCARE!)
25th- MERRY CHRISTMAS!20th: 8:15 mass Last Day of school before break!
6th: School resumes
Things Mrs. Lowe is looking for or would love for the classroom! If you find them at a rummage sale or find a good deal for these online, please let me know so I can get them or if you get them, I will pay you back! Here are some things I am in search of!
~Burger King Stuffed Emoji toys.... they will come in handy when talking about emotions and feelings!
~Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and accessories
~Magic Tracks and cars that work with the tracks(batteries)
~SkipBo Cards or the board game version!
~SpotIt Cards
~Cool Toys Monkey Balance
~Learning Resources Alphabet Island
~Smatch by Think Fun
~Books (ANY)
~Magic Tree House #22 (Revolutionary War on Wednesday)
~Ancient Adventures Bible Stories (book and workbook)