Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30- November 3rd


Reading: We will be reading "I See Halloween,"  on Monday, this book will come home with your child tonight.  Please read and send back tomorrow.  I will also be meeting with groups of students the rest of the week and they will be getting a "sight word" book and worksheet to be done at home and returned the next day.  Thank you for your help with this!

Fundations / Spelling:This week we are learning about the letters d and s.

Writing:We will be writing sentences in correlation with our "sight word books" as well as a writing/drawing of what we will be for Halloween!

Math: We will continue to learn about number formation and groups or partners of 5.

Religion:This week we will be learning about Saints!  We will have mass on BOTH Wednesday and Friday.  Please be sure to send your student in church appropriate clothing both days! 

Social Studies/Science:  This week we will be learning about the life cycle of a Pumpkin!

Calendar/Important Dates:

31st- Halloween- May wear costumes as long as they won't interfere with gym (no masks, no guns/swords/no blood)

1st- MASS- please dress for mass
3rd- 8:15am Mass
7th- Conferences
8th- 8:15am Mass
9th- Conferences
17th- 8:15am Mass
20th- Home and School Meeting 7pm
22- NO SCHOOL MASS Early Release 11:30am
23rd- NO SCHOOL Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Little Farmer field trip is TOMORROW

Just a friendly reminder that we are going on a field trip tomorrow to the Little Farmer.  
Please remember to:

Bring a bag lunch 
Wear your St. Edward shirt/sweatshirt
Dress in layers as the weather can be unpredictable

Monday, October 9, 2017


Reading: Sight words came home last week and as a reminder they should be going back and forth from home to school daily.  I will test them on Fridays and give them a new word for each word they know by heart.

Fundations / Spelling:This week we will be reviewing the letters we have already learned: t,f,b,m,n,u,i,o,c. We will be adding a and g and working on sentence structure.

Writing: We will be working on writing our names and writing sentences starting with an upper case letter and ending with a period. 

Math: This week we will be starting Chapter 2.  We will be recognizing groups of 1-10 and learning story problems.  

Religion:This week we will be finishing Mary and the Rosary.  I will also be teaching them about St. Edward, as his feast day is this Friday.

Social Studies/Science:  This week we will be finishing Fall/Autumn and begin our Fire Prevention Unit, please go over your family fire drill with your children.  

Calendar/Important Dates:

11th- Fire Department Visit
13th- Mass 8:15am 
15th- Pancake and Porkie Breakfast
19th- Kindergarten and 1st go to The Little Farmer (Send BAG LUNCH)
20th- Mass 8:15am21st- HARVEST MOON- Doors open at 5pm Dinner at 6pm24th- NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-service
25th- MASS 8:15AM (Please remember to send your child in church appropriate clothes)
31st- Halloween

Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2-6


Reading: Last week we went over sight words and they will be coming home on Monday.  These sight words will go home everyday and should come back to school everyday. Thanks for your help in practicing these words with your child and helping them remember to bring them back to school.  

Fundations / Spelling:This week we will be reviewing the letters we have already learned: t,f,b,m,n,u,i,o,c.  We will also be working on sentence structure.

Writing: We will be working on writing our names and writing sentences starting with an upper case letter and ending with a period. 

Math: This week we will be reviewing Chapter 1 and will have a test on Thursday.  

Religion:This week we will be learning about Mary and the Rosary.  I will be teaching them the Hail Mary and the Our Father, we will say a decade of the rosary each day ending the week with a full rosary!

Social Studies/Science:  This week we will be continuing apples and flow into Fall/Autumn.  

Calendar/Important Dates:

4th- Pet Blessing @2:15
6th- Mass 8:15am
13th- Mass 8:15am 
15th- Pancake and Porkie Breakfast
19th- Kindergarten and 1st go to The Little Farmer (Send BAG LUNCH)
20th- Mass 8:15am21st- HARVEST MOON- Doors open at 5pm Dinner at 6pm24th- NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-service
25th- MASS 8:15AM (Please remember to send your child in church appropriate clothes)
31st- Halloween