Reading: We will be reading "I See Halloween," on Monday, this book will come home with your child tonight. Please read and send back tomorrow. I will also be meeting with groups of students the rest of the week and they will be getting a "sight word" book and worksheet to be done at home and returned the next day. Thank you for your help with this!
Fundations / Spelling:This week we are learning about the letters d and s.
Religion:This week we will be learning about Saints! We will have mass on BOTH Wednesday and Friday. Please be sure to send your student in church appropriate clothing both days!
Writing:We will be writing sentences in correlation with our "sight word books" as well as a writing/drawing of what we will be for Halloween!
Math: We will continue to learn about number formation and groups or partners of 5.Religion:This week we will be learning about Saints! We will have mass on BOTH Wednesday and Friday. Please be sure to send your student in church appropriate clothing both days!
Social Studies/Science: This week we will be learning about the life cycle of a Pumpkin!
Calendar/Important Dates:
31st- Halloween- May wear costumes as long as they won't interfere with gym (no masks, no guns/swords/no blood)
1st- MASS- please dress for mass
3rd- 8:15am Mass
7th- Conferences
8th- 8:15am Mass
9th- Conferences
17th- 8:15am Mass
20th- Home and School Meeting 7pm
22- NO SCHOOL MASS Early Release 11:30am
23rd- NO SCHOOL Happy Thanksgiving